Laddy_Brownn Is Ready To Cause A Scream With Her Ghostface


There are a whole lot of people that have played Ghostface in the Scream franchise and it looks like Laddy_Brownn is joining the list today.

I certainly want to scream the second I see her outfit. Not out of fear, but out of pure joy over how awesome it looks! She has put a very sexy spin on the whole outfit as she shows off some fishnets underneath, but the mask looks just as iconic as always.

I don’t think I would run away if I saw Laddy_Brownn running towards me wearing this. Even if she was holding a knife. She just looks way too stylish and cute and makes me want to stare at her more.

Laddy_Brownn Is Ready To Cause A Scream With Her Ghostface

Laddy_Brownn Is Ready To Cause A Scream With Her Ghostface

Laddy_Brownn Is Ready To Cause A Scream With Her Ghostface

Laddy_Brownn writes:

Real Name: Cristina
Followers: 8025
Birth Date: Jan. 28, 1999
Age: 22
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Men
Location: Departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Language(s): español


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