Neon Genesis Yaya Han!


I hope this won’t get in your NERV. Just kidding, I’m 101% sure that anybody who has an interest or love for anime knows Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you do it’s either you’re one of those who’ve watched it because it piqued your interest or one of those who haven’t watch it but knows of it because of it’s popularity. Well even though it’s one of the most popular and best anime in anime history it’s definitely one of those anime that is not safe for children. They will be psychologically damaged if they watch it.

One of the characters in Neon Genesis isa Misato Katsuragi. She is one of the main misato2_600_400_scharacters from the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. She is the operations director at NERV, initially with the rank of captain; she is later promoted to major. In Rebuild of Evangelion, Misato’s initial rank is lieutenant colonel.

Our cosplayer for today is Yaya Han. She is a costume designer, model and cosplay entertainer with over a decade of experience. After discovering cosplay at Anime Expo in 1999, she quickly absorbed the heart and soul of costume design and creation. To this day Yaya has made close to 300 costumes in the genres of anime/manga, comic books, video games, sci-fi and her own original designs.

I love all of Yaya Han’s cosplay but there are some cosplay that really turns 10 times better because of the photographer and photo editing and this is one of those. But let’s talk about the cosplay itself first. Yaya Han used a 4-way stretch PVC as a base dress with front and sidearms for this cosplay. All of the part of patterned everything by Yaya Han. I love the highlights in this cosplay like for example the triple red line design on her long futuristic boots. Now talking about the photo I freaking love the photography! specially the editing on the landscape photo where Yaya Han is like on a battle scene with the futuristic design on the sides.

Yaya Han is an exceptional cosplayer with a great talent for both modelling and tailoring her costumes let’s at least support her by following her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Channel and DeviantArt. Let’s also support her photographer for the very freaking great photos and editing! Martin Wong

and follow his twitter


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