There’s just something about the X-Men universe and all the colorful and creative characters in the whole series that always makes it a great time to read up on. There’s just something about Cristinablue and her character cosplays that works so well in that she just brings any cosplay she does to life with just her smile. That combination makes for the perfect rendition of Rogue who is probably one of the most original and quirky X-Men out there.
She’s got the outfit down, with the bright yellow shirt, brown jacket and streaks of green. She’s even got a whole white streak of hair to compliment and really complete the character. I would definitely give her A for effort and execution. I’m ready to go Rogue with Cristinablue!
Real Name:Cristina
Birth Date:Dec. 5, 1991
I am:Female
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Body Type:normal
Smoke / Drink:occasional
Body Decorations:tattoos-piersings