Olivia_Austin00’s Elvish Fantasy


There’s no question about it – Olivia_Austin00 is straight up glowing tonight! She looks like she can be a maiden off any medieval movie on her own with that fiery ginger hair and that gorgeous, pale complexion, but she has gone for the more fantasy route by going as an elf. Now, I like a chilled out elf room like Olivia_Austin00‘s and since I haven’t seen her in a long time, it was fun to see her again and see where this fairytale fantasy is going.

The little elvish ears protruding from her ears are super cool, as is the floral top she has on as well. The ginger babe is looking to get the show on the road to fantasy land and I’m right there with her!

Olivia_Austin00's Elvish Fantasy

Olivia_Austin00's Elvish Fantasy

Real Name:Olivia Aastin
Birth Date:May 14, 2001
I am:Female
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Location:Riga, Latvia


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