QueenOfTease_ Walks Like An Egyptian


… Probably because she is the ultimate Egyptian herself, the queen that rules them all – Cleopatra. QueenOfTease_ has some pretty fun cosplays and she’s done everything from video games to comic book characters and even some cartoon characters. I love a good versatile cosplayer and she’s right up there with the best of them! She’s now rocking her outfit as Cleopatra, and it’s absolutely divine as a queen’s should be – with the white toga, gold accessories, crown and even jet-black hair that looks pretty good on QueenOfTease_!

I for one am ready to be ruled over by this Egyptian queen and I’m pretty excited to see what kind of gifts await her crowds for the rest of the show! I’m very much attending in the front rows!

QueenOfTease_ Walks Like An Egyptian

QueenOfTease_ Walks Like An Egyptian

QueenOfTease_ Walks Like An Egyptian

And here should be something about me. But I’m pretty sure that you know how hard it can be sometimes to tell about yourself lol Since that – I’m always open book for you, ask aaanything, really.


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