Cristina_Santana Joins The X-Men As Rogue


The X-Men have a seemingly endless assortment of colorful and interesting characters as part of their group and one of the most intriguing ones is Rogue, who is being brought to life today by the beautiful Cristina_Santana! Her bright yellow outfit shines almost as bright as the cutie’s smile and I love how well her brown jacket contrasts against the leotard underneath. She has even re-created the famous white streak in the heroine’s hair and I can see the green headband peeking out from underneath her black hair.

The rest of the X-Men are seemingly off on adventures, but Cristina_Santana has plenty of other friends there to keep her company, including a giant Oogie Boogie doll right behind her. Taking a trip into her room is definitely a great way to get in the festive spirit!

Cristina_Santana Joins The X-Men As Rogue

Cristina_Santana Joins The X-Men As Rogue

Cristina_Santana Joins The X-Men As Rogue


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