Nico Yazawa’s Summer Look


It’s summer time! So let’s bring out the swimsuits! While Nico Yazawa and her group from “Love Live!” have seemed to have graduated from the stage and replaced by newer counterparts from “Love Live! Sunshine!!” it doesn’t mean these characters are completely lost from the scene. With Love Live becoming such a big phenomenon, it’s difficult to forget the original group.

The fans still hold on to these characters while welcoming the newer girls. Cosplayers like Momo know that when it comes to cosplay there is no such thing as a character being too obsolete to cosplay. That said, here’s her cosplay of the child-like senpai, who made the phrase “Niconico Nii!” popular.

Nico Yazawa takes pride in her being an idol and always refers to herself as the best among the group. Her interest in fashion led her to be in charge of designing the group’s outfits and her special skill is hair arrangement.


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