Bellatrix Aiden – Sorceress Edea


Bellatrix Aiden is quickly becoming one of the top cosplayer’s in the UK region, and this amazing design is her rendition of The Sorceress Edea from Final Fantasy VIII. Being a major fan of this particular game, I absolutely love the immense detail that Bellatrix puts into both the costume and the face makeup. If you look closely at her face in the picture, she has actually added the veins that Edea has in the game on her temples. To think, when Bellatrix started out back in 2007 she had no idea how to sew even. But why does she cosplay? Well in her own word Bellatrix is quoted saying, “I am very grateful to cosplay. I have met a lot of different people; visited places; became friends with people I didn’t know before, from various cities. I became more sociable and self-confident. And I have accomplished a part of my dream. When I was a little girl, my dream was to become an actress and a model, and cosplay helped me to combine them both.(sic).” So keep an eye out towards the UK because Bellatrix Aiden is a name that will is soon to be well known.

Sorceress EdeaSorceress Edea_FFVIIISorceress Edea_By Pugoffka-Sama


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