Spiral Cats Are Killing It With Echo of Soul Cosplay


Costume level of intricacy is something that will always observed by eagle-eyed cosplay fans be it in the setting of a cosplay competition or not. In the same manner, workmanship and creativity play a very big role to making one’s cosplay a real head turner. A very good example of that is Spiral Cats’ (professional cosplaying group) cosplay of a Paladin and an Archer character from the South Korean MMORPG called Echo of Soul.

South Korea is well known as the birthplace of a lot of MMORPGs that are almost always expects to be “mobbed” by gamers every time they release a new game to the point that the overwhelming number of players often times crashes their servers. The game character costumes are often designed with the thought that one day it will be cosplayed and great consideration is made for that possibility.


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