PeytonxAurora Shows Off Her Skills In The Form Of Batman


She is vengeance, she is night, she is… painting a wonderful Batman depiction on her friend in an evening show made for geeks, nerds and lovers of talent alike. PeytonxAurora has come to show off all her body painting skills this late-night with a friend as she goes to depict one famous superhero, the protector of Gotham City, the one and only Batman. Going for quite the classic look, complete with the grey suit, blue top and the iconic yellow oval that houses the bat symbol on her chest area, she’s got all the detailing down. Maybe she’ll pop up a cape soon, just for good measure.

Get in on the fun as you paint along until the Justice League gets together. PeytonxAurora awaits your arrival in her bat cave.

PeytonxAurora Shows Off Her Skills In The Form Of Batman

PeytonxAurora Shows Off Her Skills In The Form Of Batman

PeytonxAurora Shows Off Her Skills In The Form Of Batman

🎬Indie adult entertainer 🗨X-Rated Ventriloquist 👽Cosplayer ⚠️Extreme crafting ✂️Perpetually bad hair 🎭Very serious camgirl. 🔞18+ only


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