Vampy as the Nightwing


As we all know Batman v Superman is coming and there’s a part in the trailer where shown Robin’s outfit. So are we expecting Robin to appear there? or will he die and re emerge as the Nightwing. But first who is Robin anyway? The first Robin’s true idedapper_dick_grayson_by_kiniki_chan-d5q739jntity is none other than Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson was once Batman’s sidekick Robin, before becoming Nightwing and even taking on the mantle of Batman when Bruce was thought to be dead, but once again became Nightwing after some events. Throughout Dick’s adolescence, Batman and Robin were inseparable. However, as Dick grew older he spent more time as a leader rather than a sidekick with his teammates, the Teen Titans. He then decided to take on the identity of Nightwing to assert his independence.

Now let me introduce our cosplay for today. She’s a very famous cosplayer ranking no.6 of the best female cosplayer according to WhatCulture. Her stage name is VampyBitMe. Vampy or as her real name, Linda Le, has been cosplaying since she was a chiVampy-Bit-Me-image-vampy-bit-me-36784817-1280-1730ld. I’m sure everyone will say “but cosplaying wasn’t even their yet at her age, she’s lying” but it was cosplaying, it just wasn’t called cosplaying at that time yet. Vampy cosplayed a female version of Nightwing from the Batman Arkham City with the grayscale or black and white theme with a touch of the character’s primary color which, for Nightwing, is blue. The costume is great I love every part of it. The suit, the mask, the Eskrima Sticks, everything and specially the model. She was able to portray and event edit the portrait itself to look like an official poster of the Batman Arkham City Game. What’s more is that Vampy tailored the suit herself, she has sponsors but she makes her own costume which is also a plus for a cosplayer.

I have more Vampy cosplay to come so might as well follow her on Twitter, Facebook and visit her Website. Also, support her by buying her prints in her online store. Don’t forget to follow the Photographer, Long Vo, for capturing these gorgeous photos of Vampy!




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