Poison Cosplay


Just like the divide between Star Wars and Star Trek many gamers are fans of either Mortal Kombat, with all of its brutality, or Street Fighter, and all of its insane characters. Its the great divide in fighting game fans and it’s easy to see why so many flock to Street Fighter when you look at characters like Poison.

Coming to a clash with her vibrant pink hair, wearing nothing but a ragged tank top (that barely contains her bouncing chest) and shorts that would be better described as underwear the fights usually over before it starts. Our battle to stop our jaw from hitting the floor after one look at this Poison cosplay by Juby Headshot and Oriol Lamiel Photography certainly didn’t last long. Bringing to the bout the same booming assets as Poison herself, it’s doubtful anyone stands much of a chance against her. Its better to submit and let her have her way with you in this fight.


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