Charming in Pink Neko Cosplay


While the anime, K Project, isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it has, during its time, received more than a couple of thumbs down, this doesn’t mean that the cosplayable value of the characters from this series is likely to be affected. Truth be told, some cosplayers look more into the details of the character and how they project it to look like when 2D designs are turned into reality.

Neko is one such character from K Project whose popularity has been boosted by the myriad of cosplayers who have chosen to portray her. Kyoya, is among the number of cosplayers who have boosted this character’s popularity. By donning a cosplay of Neko clad in her usual white dress, pink cardigan, knee high socks, and pink heels, Kyoya garnered the attention of quite a number of fans and pretty encouraged some to take a look at the series and follow its story.


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