Beauty and Danger: Miss Fortune


Still have a hang-over from the 2016 League of Legends World Championship even after you’ve just about re-watched almost all the gameplays and played all the League of Legends you can just to help you out of the hype? I know you’ve probably been going through sleepless nights and you deserve some rest, but please don’t sleep just yet!

I’ve got something that I think both non-gamers and gamers might like. How about a cosplay of League of Legend‘s very own gun-wielding bounty hunter? If you’re a gamer and this trigger happy femme fatale is your favorite pick whenever you play, you’re in for a treat! Because this Chinese cosplayer, along with her talented photographer(please make yourself known if you’re reading this!) has beautifully produced a dynamic cosplay of Miss Fortune.

This cosplayer goes by the handle name, “Dào cháng ài xiǎodào”(道长爱小道) – apparently long handle names are a thing with Chinese cosplayers, don’t ask me why. That aside, enjoy the view!


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