Nia is a Swashbuckling Beauty


Nia, from Cosplayerotica, is using this shoot to dress up as Isabela from the Dragon Age series. Isabela is a pirate and captain of the ship the Siren’s call. And, that is fitting because who could resist the allure of Nia. She’s someone that it might almost be worth it to wreck your ship on the rocks just to catch a glimpse of.

I love this shoot, Nia looks fierce posing with her duel swords. If she doesn’t stop you dead in your tracks with her good looks, she looks like she’d be able to cut you down with a quick slice. Her bandanna and large gold jewelry really pull the whole pirate look together. I have to say this is personally one of my favorite cosplays I’ve seen in quite a while.

Isabela is the captain of the pirate ship Siren’s Call. She can teach the Duelist specialization to the Warden in Dragon Age: Origins, and is an optional companion as well a romance option for either male or female Hawke in Dragon Age II.


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