The Bliss Of RazorCandi’s Dominance


This is a very strong and passionate set that showcases RazorCandi’s creativity and mastery of the sensual arts. Her poses and her confident glances add a layer of feminine energy that works very well with the uniqueness of the costume she is wearing, which is very deep, dark and dominatrix-y, giving you that sense of wanting to see more, while at the same time each image takes you on a ride that helps you discover hints of your own submissiveness, because with the way she looks here, you wouldn’t even dream about denying her any request she could make.

If you want more RazorCandi goodness, you are in luck, because she’s got a gorgeous Art Book where you can see more of her deliciously creative style to enjoy it whenever you want and wherever you go!

A set shot to not only show the strength of art in photography but also the strength in women. As you all know I always like to change things up a bit and keep variety in my styles but there is always one thing I commonly stick to and that is portraying a strong personality, only this time I really wanted that to read across based on my outfit choice. I really love how the depth of lighting emphasizes the dominance of the overall look and atmosphere. For those of you who enjoy watching me in motion don’t forget to stop by my video gallery to see the video shot during this set!


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