Yaya Han as “The Phoenix”


This amazing cosplayer needs no introduction. Yaya Han (A.K.A. “The Queen Of Cosplay”) is sporting an entirely original costume based on Jean Gary as The Phoenix. For all you Marvel fans out there including myself, who doesn’t love this rendition including Yaya as this is the outfits second appearance at a comic event. Yaya first introduced her Phoenix costume back in Atlanta Georgia Comic Con of 2013, it was such a hit that her fans requested an encore showing of The Phoenix. So, this weekend at the C2E2 Event in Chicago Yaya decided to make it happen. Yaya began her Cosplay career in 1999, her passion of Japanimation gave her the drive to learn how to create her own costumes. Now after 15+ years of self-taught costume design and convention appearances, Yaya Han has become one of the many faces of comic con. In Yaya own words “The possibilities are endless and I am constantly learning something new, which is a lot of fun!”(Judith Stephens, 2013). For more information on Yaya Han or see her beautiful and sexy costumes, please visit her personal webpage at Yaya Han Website. You can also check out her outfits that are for sale or get information on custom orders that Yaya will create for you.

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