Vergil Sparda as Genos


I’ve finished watching One Punch Man and I say that it was really an amazing anime. One of the the amazing characters in this anime is Genos, a human that was converted into a cyborg in order to defeat the cyborg that ruined their city. It was not yet discussed on One Punch Man regarding Genos’ background, so is the other characters’ background so I’m pretty sure that One Punch Man season 2 is on its way.

Featured in this article is the cosplayer, Vergil Sparda, as Genos. Vergil is from Kiev, Ukraine and he only started cosplaying last year, 2015. It’s like he’s born with the talent! Other cosplayers, when they were just starting, their cosplayers were not that good. What’s amazing is that, he is not only good at cosplay, but also a future marketing manager. This 22-year old cosplayer is a student of Kiev Politechnical University. That’s being a best on both worlds — the world of cosplay and real world tackling subjects as a student.

Besides from his Facebook account, he also have a Deviantart account that you can check out. This cosplayer is someone to look forward to because I’m pretty sure he’ll be famous soon.


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