Nitro’s Sonico Busting Out Into the Limelight


Let’s put a name to this lovely face, shall we? I’d like to shed some light into this Super Sonico cosplayer whose name is yet unknown in certain forums which contained discussions of her photo and questions of who she is.

This beautiful Japanese cosplayer’s name is Kei. According to her, she chose to cosplay this version of Sonico because among all the cute costumes that Sonico has this one in particular was cute and cool at the same time so she thought that she wanted to try it. She also cheerfully shared that her favorite part of her costume is her jacket.

Not only was Kei nice enough to share more of her Sonico photos, but she also gave a short message to everyone:

“Nice to meet you all! My name is Kei. Do what you love the best way you think you’d like to do it. To everyone who’s interested in cosplay but hasn’t really tried it out yet, feel free to challenge yourselves and try it! Make friends with people who also share the same interest of transforming themselves into characters.”

For more of her updates feel free to look her up on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.

Super Sonico “After the Party” version.


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