Ariel X displays her lucky charms


It’s that time of year again. It’s the day we all get together and consume enough green food dye that some of us might end up at the doctors (or WebMD) trying to act brave whilst knowing, secretly, that it must be some sort of mutant virus that is turning everything ‘coming out of you’ green. Although I can’t help you with your day after fears, I can help you prep for the night out. BlueBlood’s Forrest Black and Amelia G put together a rather tasty shoot with Ariel X. She’s rocking some wicked heeled boots, a tad of green, and not much else in this shoot.

The Blue Blood shoot starts out strong in this two-shoots review (yes, I had to combine two shoots. Why? Because one was so NSFW I can barely use words to describe it). I like the boots. I mean, I really like the boots. They hug the calves and stop right below the knee. They also are a bit spiked and very much black with an almost impossible gloss. The hat is a nice touch, too. Out of all the Leprechauns we’ve seen in pop culture, Ariel X is the only one I wouldn’t mind haunting me. And haunting, she is.

There is one part of the shoots that I can’t show. I sometimes can show the toys but this time, well, I couldn’t find a photo of her just licking or grinning at it with her top on. This isn’t a bad thing (for me, at least, sorry Mr NotSafeForWork!). I thought the toy part was a great added bonus to an already solid shoot. The toy does fit the theme, but it was interesting because of the way the bumps and curves that came with it. The toy is described a bit more below, and I just wanted to give props to the maker. It truly was something I didn’t see before style-wise and it looked great.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! I’ve always thought, with her sharply defined cheekbones, Ariel X has sort of fae otherworldly good looks, so I knew she would be perfect for this holiday set. I asked Ariel to bring her most festive green attire. Forrest Black and I hit the party store beforehand. I selected a big green felt hat in the shape of a four leaf clover, but Forrest convinced me to also get a really adorable little Leprechaun chapeau. Ariel was all about the really petite hat and it looks so cute on her. She says that most standard hats don’t fit her head, so good thing Forrest spotted this one. The green clothing is all Ariel’s and the cool color-coordinated glass is courtesy of Whether or not you have partaken of green beer today, I think you’ll enjoy this series.
–Amelia G


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