Wondering the Wonderful World of Yaya Han


You’ve got to admit, she’s the most famous heroine of all. I mean, even kids these days even know Wonder Woman since she’s the most popular Super hero in the comic universe and some might also think that she’s the only female super hero in the comic universe. Yes there are Lara Croft, Buffys, or Disney princesses of the world but I’m pretty sure they’ll meet Wonder Woman first before any of those.

ww_600_903_sWonder Woman is Princess Diana of the immortal Amazons from Greek mythology. When army pilot Steve Trevor crashes on the warriors’ secluded island paradise, Diana wins the right to escort him home and make her people known to the world. Helping her are her superhuman strength and speed, as well as the trademark bulletproof bracelets, but it’s probably her Golden Lasso of Truth most people really wish they had.

Our cosplayer for today is Yaya Han. She is a costume designer, model and cosplay entertainer with over a decade of experience. After discovering cosplay at Anime Expo in 1999, she quickly absorbed the heart and soul of costume design and creation. To this day Yaya has made close to 300 costumes in the genres of anime/manga, comic books, video games, sci-fi and her own original designs.

I love how Yaya Han made the shield for this version of Wonder Woman, I mean in almost the different kinds of Wonder Woman version, they all have the common unbreakable bracelet which was cool in a way but this one is much cooler. Wonder Woman’s Amazonian side really shows for this version I freakin love the Sword and Shield combo for this wonder woman version rather than typical punching and well.. knotting? The cosplay still has a few flaws here and there but I really wish that Yaya Han would create a second version of this!

Yaya Han is an exceptional cosplayer with a great talent for both modelling and tailoring her costumes let’s at least support her by following her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Channel and DeviantArt. Let’s also support her photographer Anna Fisher.


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