Double Glasses Redheads Queen of Cats Jenga


Queen of Cats has a friend who has the same well-read-redhead-with-glasses-hotness vibe. Tonight, the two of them are both live together. I swear I never saw anyone with Jenga tiles performing online before this month and now this is the second Jenga show I have seen in less than a week. I’m not complaining, just noting the odd synchronicity of the universe. Queen of Cats has her Jenga tiles marked with things like “pillow fight” and people in her chat room can play Jenga with these two lovely fair redheads to get them to do things like pillow fight.

PS Check out how I cleverly made this screenshot SFW by blocking the naughty bits with a Jenga tile!

queenofcats jenga redhead cam glasses

Virtual Courtesan, Feline Queen, & Pale Skinned Drunkard


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