Songs of the Sirens by Catwoman and the Clown


In this Cosplay-Mateshoot, we see the Catwoman take on the Clown (totally not Harley Quinn). Yes, the big hammer is there and they both make some good use of it. What I really like about this (other than it has two awesomely dressed models about to go at it) is the colours really pop here. The costumes complement each other nicely. The black of the Catwoman outfit makes the red of the Clown outfit really sparkle. Now, there aren’t a lot of pictures I can show you here because most of them in this set are nude or in a lot of undress. I can say that no matter how good these two women look with the costumes on, they look that much better as they take them off. Although they drop the hammer play when nude, the whip comes out to say hello.



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