Phoenix and Psylocke battle it out


Ready for my geekdom meltdown in 3…2…now. When I see the title for my next review I jumped. I love the Phoenix character and I love Psylocke. You know, if you have any interest–at all–in X-Men comics then you probably have the same interests I do here. Oh, and if you ever wanted to see Phoenix and Psylocke fight and then make up, well, this is the shoot for you. First, the models work pretty well. I mean the costumes look good, but the models themselves are great here. Their facial expressions and their chemistry really pop. They play the roles fierce at first and then break into a bit of submissive sensuality (as shown by the picture here of Phoenix on her knees undressing Psylocke). It doesn’t end there though, there are a lot of other great moments in this set, including some light hearted tongue poses by Phoenix.

There are a million questions a fan boy like me can have when looking over a shoot like this. Does Phoenix match her underwear to her suit? (The answer is a neon glowing “yes!”); is she a natural redhead? (We won’t know from this shoot since she sports a nice Prof X down there); Would Psylocke take everything off in bed or just leave a bit of lace going up her legs from the stockings? (Oh, those shiny blues come quite high and really give her body a tight hug). I could go on and on, but I think there are just some questions you need to answer for yourself.



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