Aiden Starr and Xmas Terminator Robot


Back when the Effing Machines peeps had a page with profiles of each of their lovable robots, I used to do robot lover reviews on this site. They still update every week, but I was just kind of really into the technological aspect. The beautiful and beautifully evil Back when the Aiden Starr makes a holiday guest appearance on the site this Xmas. The series is called, “Back when the The Machines have a Muse: Aiden Starr“, and I think she takes on more of them than I have ever seen anyone do in one session before. Aiden Starr just may have some cyborg herself, behind that mischievous and cruel smile.

Note: As I keep non-nude and that includes realistic plastic, the only two images from this whole shoot I can show you are these Xmas Terminator shots below. In every other pic, at the very least the Terminators were showing their junk.

robot terminator xmas Aiden Starr

robot terminator xmas Aiden Starr


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