True Blood – Let’s Boot and Rally


With a title like that you’d think that something would have actually happened in this episode. But that, was definitely not the case. Apparently “stuff” will be happening NEXT episode and this was just filler to keep you interested and move along the plots that we don’t really care about. I’m power watching Breaking Bad right now to catch up before season five starts and it’s real hard to go from such a well written show, to, this. You know what I’m saying?

This episode is brought to you by the letter BORING and the number UGH. Sookie throwing up on Alcide’s dick is the best thing that’s happened so far this season. Can we have more moments like that please? Look at his face! That’s the most acting he’s ever done! I know that people think he’s really hot. I get it, he’s muscly and has the correct face ratios, but he doesn’t do it for me. He’s no (insert long list here).

Pam lays some serious smack down since Tara needs even more learning on how to behave. I can’t help but feel that if someone had done that when she was HUMAN she could have avoided a lot of the bullshit that we’ve had to watch.

Hey Sookie came in handy! She looked into that fat guy’s head and figured out that SOMEONE in the Authority dug up good ol Russell. Gee is it Nora, or the naked chick who clearly has an ulterior motive!? I still don’t understand what the fuck is going on with this vampire political bullshit. What is supposed to be happening? Why are we supposed to care? It all greatly resembles the whole witch story line from last season. Some people want some shit and whatever.

Wait, am I watching an episode of Supernatural? So you army dicks shot a bunch of civilians and one of em put a curse on you? Is Dean gonna show up and say something smarmy and then take his shirt off!? Cuz that would be. AWESOME. Maybe I’ll put a screenshot in for you guys. And when I say you guys, I really mean me. But you knew that. Smoldering look: ENGAGE!

When did this turn into a PSA? Jessica and Tara have a heart to heart that turns into a Scissor Sister Seminar. That, was a little weird and heavy handed.

What we’re learning from Terry’s back story is that I could write for tv shows. You’re flame retardant. Sure, after killing a bunch of civilians I could see why you’d have a serious case of PTSD, but I really don’t think this story line was/is necessary. It’s been proven that Terry is a messed up but cool dude who sometimes saves the day. Couldn’t we have just left it at that? Now he’s gonna have to kill his Sarge who is clearly a butt hole and is probably responsible for the fire demon or whatever.

So it’s just a bunch of rednecks who killed Sam’s wolfy swinger friends? Well that isn’t very interesting. You guys, there is TOO MUCH GOING ON AND ALL OF IT IS DUMB. More stuff happened but I don’t care so we’re not gonna talk about it. When are they going to take a trip to the Shire and meet more faeries and elves? Or maybe some wizards and warlocks will show up? I think I see a unicorn in the back ground! At least next week Russell will be back and I’m sure some seriously fucked up shit will happen. Maybe Jessica will show her boobs again! Remember when that used to happen and it was awesome?


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