Who Wants a Cyberhug?


The day before yesterday, Yahoo reported that scientists from Singapore had figured out how to operate a vibrating jacket on a chicken via web-based controls. They have some plans to study the feasibility of manufacturing wired up pajamas for children whose parents travel often. So absent parents could hug their kids long distance. Aw. I was going to write something cheeky and funny about the obvious eventual sexual uses of cyberhug technology. Only yesterday, Yahoo reported that the Australian government was pleading with Singapore authorities to permit the mother of a smalltime drug smuggler to hug her sun before he is executed by hanging on Friday. Apparently Singapore has a law against physical family contact for death row inmates. Apparently Singapore might really be pressed for cyberhug technology for actual hugging purposes. The rest of the world, of course, is waiting on the edge of their seats, coming up with ways to use the forthcoming devices to touch each other in different ways. Glad I do not live in Singapore.

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