Fleshbot Sex Blog Likes Me


I just got my first press coverage for Sexy Fandom. The Fleshbot sexblog, which is a really big deal, said, “Sexy Trekkies: We know we’ve said in the past that Star Trek porn really isn’t our thing, but we’re starting to gain a new appreciation for chicks in polyester space suits thanks to Molly Case and her Sexy Fandom site, one of our favorite new pornblog discoveries. With descriptions like “Apparently two lesbian crew members of the SS Enterprise have beamed down to an earthlike planet,” how could we resist? Beam us up!”

Fleshbot called my site one of their favorite new pornblog discoveries. I’m really excited. I think of SexyFandom, and actually Fleshbot as well, as more sexblogs than pornblogs because Fleshbot only shows topless nudity and I don’t show any nudity at all. That’s just nitpicking though. We both link to the good stuff and I am thrilled to be getting written about already.

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