Dashy Lights It Up Like Dynamite In Just Dance


I have always been too afraid to play any of the Just Dance games. I just don’t have the skills nor the moves. It’s always delightful seeing someone with the right skills play the various stages and that’s exactly why I’m so excited to be watching Dashy right now.

The atmosphere in her room in extra jolly thanks to the Christmas tree glowing in the corner. It’s her own smile and radiant beauty that really make the show captivating and right now she gets to demonstrate both of those while dancing to the tune of a BTS song.

Dashy is really lighting it up like dynamite and I’m always impressed at how precise her moves look. Whatever the next song is, I think she will nail it!

Dashy Lights It Up Like Dynamite In Just Dance

Dashy Lights It Up Like Dynamite In Just Dance

Dashy Lights It Up Like Dynamite In Just Dance

Dashy writes:

Spoods n Noods


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