Fiery Redheaded Gamer Girl Dungeon Master


Once again BlueBlood comes to the rescue with an Amelia G and Forrest Black venture. This time, they bring out Zelda Sidhe in a really funky Dungeon Master garb. The setting appears to be held in one of the coolest gaming rooms I have ever seen (I mean, look at it! Star Wars models plus a lot of dice and some cool bedding? Hands down, the coolest). Zelda Sidhe makes a great hooded figure. She pulls off a mysterious look extremely well. Her hair and tattoos really help support this shoot as does the over-all atmosphere. One thing I can’t quite show you is her boots. I can’t show you them because most of the pictures they are featured in, well, so is her exposed body (shocking, I know). So if you want to see the rest, you know what to do. For now though, I will leave you with an image of black rustic leathers going up to her knee. While you imagine that, add in buckles all along the sides and a huge spiked heel that can add inches to the already increased height given by the lift on the bottom. Oh, and did I mention they lace straight up like a corset?

I’m very happy to finally get to introduce Zelda to you here. I’ve enjoyed seeing the sexy costumed photos she’s been doing for quite a while, as well as various cool nerdy projects like her Geeky Freaky blog. For this intro set, we couldn’t resist a little D&D dungeon master action in what seemed like the perfect environment. Lucky for you, I just made my saving throw against some terrible puns, so without further adieu, enjoy.
~Forrest Black


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