Jeepers, SendTacoMoney Transforms Into Daphne


I would like to point out just how incredible SendTacoMoney‘s username is on many fronts, but I would also like to commend her for transforming into one of my favorite characters from any series ever. Jeepers indeed, it looks like Daphne has arrived.
The rest of the crew seemingly hasn’t, which means it’s down to her to solve whatever mystery is on the gang’s hands – potentially not having enough tacos, whereby they need to find it as soon as possible because life isn’t worth living if it were not for tacos. From toe to head, the transformation is complete and the stark burst of violet really suits her. I also love the attention to details in the outfit.
SendTacoMoney is taking her Daphne and bringing her to life!

Jeepers, SendTacoMoney Transforms Into Daphne

Jeepers, SendTacoMoney Transforms Into Daphne

Jeepers, SendTacoMoney Transforms Into Daphne

SendTacoMoney writes:

Welcome to my city cam, can I take your order preese?


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