A mistress for Christmas with Michelle Aston and Aiden Starr


There is something great about working with a real life lover. The energy usually pops more and there can be an intimacy that newly met people can’t have. This Christmas-centric shoot involves Michelle Aston and Aiden Starr and it goes from Nice to Naughty (in a very nice way) quickly. Their chemistry comes out pretty strong here. Amelia G and Forrest Black get credit for putting these two together. Michelle Aston and Aiden Starr are sensual, open, fun, intimate and look like they are having a blast. There isn’t much more one can ask for in a Christmas themed shoot. This is, after all, what the holiday should be all about.


So Forrest Black and I were scheduled to shoot Aiden Starr and the holidays were imminent. We had decided to shoot at our friend writer David J. Schow’s house and he has this crazy little Hobbit/gnome/elf door downstairs. I have no idea why he has a door like that, but Forrest seized on the idea of dressing Aiden up as a fetish elf. I then thought about the fact that Michelle Aston and Aiden Starr are off-camera lovers but had never shown off together on camera. After that, it is all a festive blur of shopping for funny hats and snow. We laughed so much shooting this, Michelle orgasmed like a good Suessian Santa, and we all just had a really great time. Hot fun stuff!
–Amelia G


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