Goth Royalty, the new Queen of Disney


It was her hair. The bright red crow’s nest of hair topped with a black bow that brings me into the room. With a name like GothRoyalty, I am not sure what to expect. Will she sit there and brood? Maybe mosh seductively to Manson? Or maybe she’ll play Disney tunes and sing along while moving her tattoo’d topless body across the room. Yes, she is currently holding the biggest number of people in the room for MFC at this time and she is doing it by dancing to Disney tunes.

Let’s face it, MFC rooms can get pretty jaded sometimes and Goth Royalty is a great breath of refreshing air. She just goes to show that a model doesn’t have to be the regular pusher to get fans and tips. I have to go now, GothRoyalty is starting to sing and her voice is fantastic. I mean professionally fantastic. If any would be producers are reading this, you need to check out GothRoyalty.


About Me
Username: GothRoyalty
CamScore: 768.1
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Brown
Height: 64 inches
Age: 25
Sexual Preference: Straight
Tags: goth,gothic,punk,fetish,colored hair,small boobs,landing strip,high heels,red hair,colored hair,alternative,model,petite,ass,booty,tattoos,dancer,natural,curvy,piercings,feet,dance,striptease,new model,pale,bitch,lingerie,high heels,red hair,nerd,green hair,blue hair
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Occasional
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Photographer
Favorite Food: Sushi


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