QuinnGray Is In No Man’s Sky


The thing about QuinnGray is that she has a plethora of video games to play and she usually does her best to include a bunch of them during her show. From the fun, action-packed ones that have me on the edge of my seat to the classics like GTA when she just goes around in online mode wrecking havoc and horror ones – she has it all for everyone.

Tonight though she’s going to space and in particular in No Man’s Sky as she collects a bunch of alien artefacts, creatures and pulps so she can help collect, build and keep herself alive on this strange planet. As someone who really digs both the atmosphere and gameplay, I’m pretty stoked to watch QuinnGray as she gets groovy in space!

QuinnGray Is In No Man’s Sky

QuinnGray Is In No Man’s Sky

Singer | Makeup Chick | Cat Lover #cornbreadfed


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