Arrow – The Promise


So our boy Slade knows how to make a splash and is at Queen mansion to make a huge donation to Moira’s campaign. And weird gross googley eyes at her, erm, eye. He and Ollie throw considerable shade at each other and share some rum, a reminder of their time together on the island before things went oh so wrong. Ollie is a terribly rude host while Slade makes himself at home. Thea shows up just in time to make a good hostage!

Cue the training montage! Ahhh Vancouver, you look nothing like our mysterious island, you’re too foggy. Our castaways hatch a plan to get on the freighter, take down Ivo and escape the island. They burn the mirikuru but somehow I think some survived…. Ollie has a messed up dream about Shado and I’ve gotta think it had something to do with that rum. Oh it’s The Hood costume 1.0!

I don’t think Ollie’s plan went exactly as expected and he finds himself back on the freighter. Why did he practice running on the beach so much just to trip over a big root? Ivo injects him with some truth serum, but Sarah was one step ahead and made an antidote so that Ollie could give Ivo false information. Slade and Sarah infiltrate the ship, free all the prisoners and pretty much wreak havoc. That is until Slade hears Ivo say that Oliver is to blame for Shado’s death. You guys, I mean, sure it was sad and all when Shado died, but it’s totally not Ollie’s fault. Do we agree about that?

This take down goes about as well as “The Usual Suspects”. Which is to say, not well. So we’ve got Ollie in a cell, Sarah and some misc prisoners back on the island and Slade in charge of the boat. Slade cuts off Ivo’s hand, sick brah, and promises Ollie that he will know suffer.

Our intrepid team in The Now gets ready to go on their first real mission! Operation: Save the Queens. The squad descends on the mansion but Slade was really only there to make vague threats and wear an eye patch. Oh and put cameras all over the house. So he goes on his merry way but reminds Ollie to watch his nuts. And then we get to see what is under his patch. No, it wasn’t a baby head.

Arrow Promise TV Show

Arrow Promise TV Show

Arrow Promise TV Show


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