Undying Kickstarter


A new Kickstarter is here to fund a post-apocalyptic movie called Undying. The creative forces behind this project are the Butler Brothers. Greg Butler (the strong, silent one) who is acting as co-director and an Oscar-nominated visual FX supervisor for such films as Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, and Starship Troopers. His brother, Jared Butler is the writer & co-director and screenwriter and is a co-founder of Wasteland Weekend. The movie will also feature makeup effects from Eric Fox and Morbx FX, who was featured on the 2013 season of the SyFy show Face Off.

The video and test footage looks like they have a solid vision so I’m interested to see what the story itself is. I have faith in the props and costumes that it will look cool but the story is really going to matter. There are decent rewards for backers, including a private whip training session from the film’s lead, vetran stuntman and bull ship expert, Anthony De Longis. For the highest backers you can also get a zombie makeover and a featured role.


Every monster, whether it be a vampire, a werewolf, a space alien, started off in the movies as a villain. But after a while, they get to be the hero. But that hasn’t really happened for the zombie yet (at least, not in a straightforward action movie). It’s time to change that.

It’s time for zombies to get their day as the hero. And while we’re at it, let’s put them in a Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic world full of desert outposts, off-road vehicles, flamethrowers, and mayhem.

Sound like your idea of a great short film? Us too.


A stranger wanders out of the wasteland into one of humanity’s last outposts. He is one of the Undying. Unable to die. Almost impossible to kill. But he will risk his immortal life… for love.


In this movie, the zombies are the warrior heroes, and the humans are the despicable bad guys. In their dystopian future, the moon has been torn asunder, cities have turned to deserts, and civilization has withered down to vicious, isolated, warring tribes.


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