The Bohemian Goddess


I have to admit, I was filled with a bit of awe the moment my hunt for gothic style wedding gowns took me to TheBohemianGoddess on Etsy. This designer has put together an incredible array of hand painted and period style dresses that put any modern dress in a chain retail store to shame.

The one gown in particular that really struck me was the French Quarter Gothic Gown. Something about the pure white of the dress with the deep black lace edging stood out – that coupled with the beautiful train and a decent sized bustle, it’s surely a dress people are going to remember.

I did see however, that TheBohemianGoddess is completely booked with orders through April 2013 – so if I or anyone wants something custom, it’s a plan ahead situation! But for something that’s one-of-a-kind and special for my special day, I can’t say I’d mind the wait.


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