The Guild Season 6 Episode 09 – The Case of the Game Leak


With the details about the yet to be released / scrapped expansion pack being leaked online, Floyd is having a shit fit! He sends Codex on a wild goose chase around the office on a hunt for who leaked the info.

I’m often taken by little details and when a Nancy Drew-esque Codex goes on her investigation, something caught my eye. As she interviews each person, they each have a nickname. Cute idea – I was chuckling at Donavon being ‘himbo’ but was seriously laughing at Zaboo’s ‘Indian in the Cupboard’ – which was fitting seeing he was…hiding in the cupboard.

Speaking of Donovan – something about him has really stuck with Tink and she’s learning that she might actually have, gasp! – feelings for the geek!

Side story with Clara, her husband, and Bladezz is consistently funny. With Clara, the Mominatrix breaking away from Bladezz youtube channel and creating her own, as well as helping his mom stay with her boyfriend – she’s causing problems that she soon has to pay for. Bladezz is a sneaky, conniving little bastard and uses those skills in creating problems for Clara. Nothing says being grown up like quitting your job to do nothing but play Frisbee!

Vork’s fight still reigns on – although it’s a little unclear if it’s doing any good for him and the people supporting him might be a little out there. Still though, he’s perching for justice and I’m behind him! #FreeVork!

Codex tries to investigate the Game leak. Clara’s vlogging has a surprising effect and Vork discovers the drawbacks of advocacy.


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