Arrow – Year’s End


Arrow has a case of the copy cats this week as we get some more back story from The Island and Ollie’s journey onto a darker path. Why is Island Ollie’s shirt buttoned all the way to the top? That just seems oddly formal and uncomfortable.

It’s not turning into a very happy Xmas now that Captain Jack is being such a hard ass and threatening Moira, yet again. Walter keeps digging his nose in notebooks where it doesn’t belong and pretty soon he’s going to get into trouble. Is it weird how white Jack’s teeth are, right? They are blindingly white. I bet they glow in the dark. And he’s so very tan. So tan. It’s like he’s becoming an action figure of himself. It’s a bit disconcerting.

THERE’S NO WAY THE IT GIRL USES BING FOR WEB SEARCHES! NO WAY. Also, if there was a patent number on the shaft… couldn’t Ollie. Have. Looked. That. Up? I appreciate that they are trying to give her a bigger part so it’s not just I’M LAUREL LANCE AND I HAVE BIG BOOBS all the time.

Cut to Laurel Titsacks. I care not for this storyline at all.

Black Arrow (it’s totally Deathstroke) is making trouble by killing people on The List, people that The Hood has already shaken down. He’s clearly trying to piss Ollie off and make him slip up. Why tho? Not sure. It’s just kind of a dick move. Especially when he takes hostages and then SAYS that he needed to up the game to get Ollie’s attention. Uh, no ya didn’t. He was already pissed you killed those dudes. Just cuz he got away from your bomb doesn’t mean you gotta kidnap some poor secretaries.

OH snap, Ollie got done fucked up by Black Arrow! Shot in the back with arrows does not sound enjoyable. Look at that, kicked right through a wall.

OOOOOOOOO it’s NOT Deathstroke. It’s The original big daddy Merlyn! Damn guys, you done brought it tonight. Now we get a month long break, you’ll have to consult the web for shirtless pics of Ollie in the interim.


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