Usagiyakuro’s Marie Rose Cosplay


“Let the red rose of blood bloom forth.”
(—Marie Rose in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate)

..but try not to get a nosebleed while you’re viewing the following set of photos.

Another addition to one of Dead or Alive’s particularly fancy and fluid fighting styled characters is the lovable, Marie Rose, because who doesn’t love under-aged looking girls in Japan, right? Most people who played this game, say that Marie Rose’s fighting style is not exactly something that stands out among her peers, but what makes her stand out is her “loli” stature. I have reason to believe that is what attracts fans to this character who is so skillfully cosplayed by the beautiful, Usagiyakuro, whose young looks and childishly innocent facial expressions makes it easy for her to pull of this cosplay.

At this point it seems like I’ve been posting a lot of “jailbait” photos have I? Sorry not sorry. You know you like it, and you know you will take your time clicking around this website. Enjoy.


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