PrincessRage goes full Drow


The elf is back (or maybe it was I who took a break?). This time she’s a bit gothy elfy RAGE. We are covering all sorts of rage from the evil people who turn the water off without announcing it to typos on SnapChat. I dig angry. I dig Div. I dig Div Angry. When she really sparks into something, it can be magical. PrincessRage is sporting a rather cool Deadpool t-shirt (I didn’t know BabyGap sold Deadpool Ts (Sorry, Div, just seeing how RAGE filled you is today)) and a bit of a darker shade for her lips. I like the shade, really. I think it goes well with Rage and she’s using her face for full animated effect today.

I’m not sure how long she can sustain this Princess Rage persona, so you better come in while the gettins good.

About Me
Username: PrincessRAGE
CamScore: 3000
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Other
Weight: 107 pounds
Height: 61 inches
Age: 108
City: Vivec, Vvardenfell
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Occupation/Major: Yes
School: Yes
Favorite Food: Yes
Pets: Yes
Automobile: Yes


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