Femme Slash Fiction


Femmeslash (also known as femslash, girlslash, yuri, or shoujo-ai) is a variation on the traditional definition of slash — homosexual/homoerotic/homoromantic fanfiction. Femmeslash is, essentially, putting female characters together in a romantic and/or sexual relationship.

Femmeslash is generally considered to be rarer than male/male slash, but there have been more and more fandoms that are femmeslash-positive, including Harry Potter, ER, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and, the first primarily femmeslash fandom, Xena: Warrior Princess, as well as making headways into the older, more well-known fandoms, such as Star Trek, The X-Files, and comic books.

Femmeslash is a wide and varied genre, ranging from epic romances to hardcore pornography to lighthearted romps to darkest horror. Also varied is its audience — while it may seem that the ideal audience for femmeslash is a purely heterosexual male audience (as most female/female pornography is geared towards the male viewer), femmeslash has a very strong and outspoken female audience. (via Wikipedia)

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