Why Unions Are Not Always Good


The only wrinkle in the Sin City deal was that Frank Miller was to be given a co-director credit which Robert Rodriguez was fine with giving. The wrinkle part being that the Directors Guild blew a gasket and told Rodriguez he couldn’t do that. So, to his immense credit, Rodriguez kept his word to Miller and quit the DGA. This meant losing the director gig for the upcoming Barsoom movies to Kerry Conran of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow fame. There is some debate in Hollywood as to which picture among Sin City or Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow or the kiddie version of Star Wars was the first truly digital feature film. This means it probably rankles to have a job such as John Carter of Mars being given to a director Rodriguez is obviously going to be compared to. Even when a creative person comes out ahead in a comparison, being compared is painful and bad for the creative process. An organization such as the DGA helps maintain standards for what directors should be paid and that is great, but a union of creative professionals can also be quite limiting. I’m guessing and hoping that Robert Rodriguez made excellent bank doing Sin City his way and I hope the DGA regretted missing their percentage for him no longer being a member.

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