Ariel X’s Gasmask Infatuation


Ariel X creates a nice atmosphere for this BlueBlood gallery, as she is posing with a gasmask, but she does not have it on; instead, she is playing with it and at times looking at it with a sense of fervour that in no way interferes with the stimulating, RubberDollies aura that she has established.

The way in which she interacts with the mask makes me think of the B&B Corps. From Metal Gear Solid 4 when they shed their suits, as there is a tone of desire in her eyes that makes you feel as if she does not want to let that mask go.

Aside from the intensity there are also a lot of lustful moments present, such as when she covers her body with the gasmask and even places it on certain areas of her body. This and the fact that the shoot ends with her actually wearing the mask is deliciously imaginative. (Maybe, after erotically sheltering in place, she had to run out to the supermarket, and that is why she eventually eased into that sexy rubber mask…)



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