Babydoll by Milena Hime Cosplay


I’m bringing you Babydoll from the movie Sucker Punch. Her cosplays are, unlike the movie, a pleasure to see – especially when the artist looks as good as Milena Hime! Yes, that’s right, the movie lacked a lot of things to make it good. In my opinion though, it was bearable for all the visual effects and cute protagonists.

Milena Hime brings Babydoll to life, capturing her essence of fear, determination and, finally, courage.

The photographer has already been mentioned in some of our articles — it’s Pugoffka, based in Kiev, and as we have been accostumed, the pictures are absolutely stunning.

It isn’t just the cosplayer that makes or breaks a photoshoot, but also the photographer, as a team. And this time, I have to say, both did their jobs very well! Damn, she could hit me anytime!

Photos were taken by Pugoffka. If you’d like to see more about the cosplayer, check out her page.


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