MidniteXXX Is In Leagues With The Champions


There is nothing quite like a good League of Legends stream to keep me entertained and full of life. There’s especially nothing like having a really active player that’s into her own game, which is exactly what MidniteXXX is doing during her stream.

Gather all the champions and make sure to add a whole wad of defences because if MidniteXXX is coming for those towers, it seems like there’s not much escape. I do really like seeing the way that she plays and while she looks real chill about it, she does have a tacticians mind when it comes to placing some of those decisions in the forests.

MidniteXXX is certainly looking like she is in a league of her own with this play style!

MidniteXXX Is In Leagues With The Champions

MidniteXXX Is In Leagues With The Champions

MidniteXXX Is In Leagues With The Champions

MidniteXXX writes:

Username: MidniteXXX
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 115 pounds
Height: 61 inches
Age: 22
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Favorite Food: Sushi
Pets: Deku & Tofu


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