Heaven’s Mischievous Little Angels


Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is one of those animes that you think would be for kids but it’s totally not. Don’t let the art fool you. In terms of plot and humor, this show may just be distant relatives with South Park – perhaps just a wee bit lighter.

To sum it up the show is about two so called “angels” who are sisters, named Panty and Stocking. These two have been kicked out from heaven and you can guess why – they’re just terrible. They are thrown into a Daten City, a place that’s found between the borders of heaven and hell. This place is haunted by evil spirits that they call “ghosts” that need to be destroyed. The task, of course goes to these angels. Whenever they destroy a ghost they get Heaven Coins which they can use to buy their way back to Heaven.

Sticking with this show is definitely an acquired taste. I’m sure these cospalyers would agree too since they seem to be fond of the characters. Tuna (Panty Anarchy) and Siho(Stocking Anarchy) are two of South Korea’s recognized cosplayers. If you would like to follow them and their works, here are their details:

TUNA on World Cosplay
TUNA’s blog
TUNA’s Official Fan Page
Email(for event invites): marie_8@naver.com

Siho on World Cosplay
Siho on Twitter


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