Lillie Rose from GodsGirls cosplays as Donnie Darko


Lillie Rose, from GodsGirls, is the perfect combination of dangerous and sexy in her Donnie Darko cosplay. Lillie beautifully rides the line between time travelling psycho and alluring temptress as she poses with her ax, thigh highs, and progressively less and less clothing.

With her exhibitionist side showing, she certainly wasn’t afraid to show it all during this photo shoot in a rustic alley. Her ability to predict the future probably alerted her to any strangers that might be passing by, but she shows complete disregard as she spreads her pale legs and tight body on the concrete. The world ends in 28 days, don’t wait.

I’m a short dorky 23 year old with an unhealthy addiction to twix bars and masturbating. Hai! I’m Lillie c:


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