Marylin’s Invigoratingly Revealing Lime Cosplay


Marylin is cosplaying as the android Lime from Saber Marionette and she looks a bit surreal, although no less appealing with her blue hair and natural makeup.

The costume is composed of a yellow bandanna with a red sphere on one of the sides, a white top with yellow décor, black tights, and red, white and yellow boots.

While I was browsing the images of this awesome CosplayErotica set I noticed something that completely caught me off-guard in the best of ways, and that was the fact that for the beginning of the shoot, Marylin is wearing the full costume while posing and staring seductively at the camera, but from one image to the next, she is completely naked from the waist down, and things just improve from there as clothes continue to fly off and delightful close-ups start to happen on a set that had already started on a high point thanks to the beautiful Marylin’s superb style that continues to shine further on the video related to this set of images.



Lime is a Saber model with a special circuit that gives her emotions.



marylin lima


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