Tal Avitzur Original Robots


Tal Avitzur makes one of a kind robots out of scrap metal,vacuum parts, and miscellaneous mechanical parts, adds leds and creates little monsters with a lot of personality. The robots can be used as night lights and assembled in Tal’s workshop in Santa Barbara. Check out his site and store for more information.

Each piece begins with finding the personality in an object, then test fitting combinations together, and cutting, drilling and grinding until reaching a natural-looking fit. The workshop bench usually has a few different projects going on at any time. Sometimes, sculptures need to be put aside for months while waiting for just the right salvaged part. Making these one-of-a-kind, whimsical, found-object sculptures has allowed me to indulge my passion for creating art, while giving new life to discarded objects, and perhaps preserving a bit of industrial history. I enjoy the excitement people show when they recognize parts that have been repurposed into their new incarnations.


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